Full-time Faculty
Dr. Doris Davis
Regents Professor of English; 1987-Present
Ph.D. in English, 1985, University of Kansas
Research Interests: The relationship between music and literature and women writers
Recent Publications:
Davis, Doris. “The Imaginative Nature of Kay Ryan’s Poetic Bestiary.” The CEA Critic 77.3 (2015): 278-83.
"'A woman of genius is but a heavenly lunatic': Stoddard's Subversive Use of Music in the Morgesons." The CEA Critic 76.1 (2014): 19-36.
"'Mouth's on Fire': August Wilson's Blueswomen." MELUS: MultiEthnic Literature of the United States. 35.4 (2010): 165-85.

Dr. Brian Billings
Associate Professor of English; 2008-present
Ph.D. in English-Creative Writing, 2003, Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Children's Literature, Theatre for Children, and Modern Musical Theatre
Recent Publications:
The Fifty-One Percent: A Drama for the Modern Economy Performed at Texas A&M University-Texarkana Spring 2016
Once upon a Wood Performed at Texas A&M University-Texarkana Spring 2015
Gabriel Grub, or the Sexton and the Goblins Performed at Texas A&M University-Texarkana Fall 2014
Dr. Doug Julien
Associate Professor of English; 2010-present
Ph.D. in Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, 2005, University of Minnesota
Research Interests: World Literature, Critical Theory, and Popular Music.
Recent Publications:
"Revisting Spike Lee's 'Racial Slur Montage': Ya' Need to Cool that Shit Out" Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies 1.4 (2014).
"Being Hosptiable to Things, Cheap Mangos, and Immigrants" We Build Bridges Together: 2013 Monograph Series (2013).
"Revisting Sunday Morning Apartheid: The Politics of Colorblindness and Racial Formation in the Harry Reid Controversy." The Velvet Light Trap 67 (2011): 57-65.

Dr. Corrine Hinton
Assistant Professor of English; 2013-Present
Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition, 2012, St. Louis University
Research Interests: veterans and military families, first-year composition, the teaching of writing, teacher education, social justice rhetorics
Recent Publications:
"Front and Center: Collaborating with Marine Veterans in the Writing Center," Generation Vet: Composition,Veterans, and the Post-9/11 University. Eds. Lisa Langstraat& Sue Doe. Colorado State University Press (2014).
"'The military taught me something about writing': How Students Veterans' Prior Rhetorical Experiences Complicate the Novice-to-expert Continuum in First-Year Composition" Composition Forum 28 (2013).
"So You've Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?" Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. 1 (2010).
Dr. Drew Morton
Assistant Professor of Mass Communication; 2012-Present
Ph.D. in Cinema and Media Studies, 2012, University of California - Los Angeles
Research Interests: American and French Film History, Comic Studies, New Media Theory, Video Game Studies, Digital Media Practice, and Videographic Criticism.
Recent Publications:
From the Panel to the Frame: Stylistic Remediation in American Film and Comic Books During the Blockbuster Era, 2016, University Press of Mississippi.
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 2015, “The Unfortunates: Towards a History and Definition of the Motion Comic.”
Press Play (Ongoing), “Film Noir/Film Genre.” [in]Transition: Videographic Approaches to Moving Image Studies (Issue 1.4,
2014), “‘Look. I Know You’re Not Following What I’m Saying Anyway.’: The Problem of the ‘Video Essay’ and Scorsese as Cinematic Essayist.”
The Video Essay: Practice and Theory in Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies (September 2014), “Though This Be Madness, Yet There is Method inIt: Notes on Producing and Revising Videographic Scholarship.”

Dr. Kevin Ells
Associate Professor of Mass Communication; 2014-Present
Ph.D. in Communication Studies, 2008, Louisiana State University
Research Interests: Pedagogy of Basic Communication, Persuasion and Behavioral Economics, and Mass and Social Media Effects on Decision-Making.
Recent Publications:
“Chaos and Complexity in Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy,” with G. Jones, in Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature’s Refraction of Science, C. Barfoot & V. Tinkler, eds. Rodopi Press, DQR Studies in Literature,Vol. 47, 2011, pp. 627-639
“Innis, Illich, Interstate: Media Ecology as Rhetorical Criticism,” Explorations in Media Ecology, Vol. 8, 2009, pp. 181-194
“Almost Indigenous: Cultural Tourism in Acadia and Acadiana,” with G. Jones, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global
Economy, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2009, pp. 193-204
“Ecological Rhetoric through Vicarious Narrative: The Enduring Significance of Garrett Hardin’s ‘The Tragedy of the Commons,’” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, Vol. 2, No. 3, November
2008, pp. 320-339

Dr. Joseph Burzynski
Assistant Professor of English; 2016-Present
Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric, 2016, Miami University
Research Interests: The intersection of sustainability theory and composition studies, business and professional writing, access issues.
Recent Publications:
"Conflating Language and Offense: Composing in an Incarcerated Space." Open Words: Access and English Studies 4 (2010): 11-30.

Dr. Joy Goldstein