Narrative and Popular Music
Collection of music and videos to think about narrative structure.
Pitbull featuring Ke$ha
Tik Tok
Another Brick in the Wall
Pink Floyd
Born in the U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
The part of the story, usually near the
beginning, in which the characters are
introduced, the background is explained, and the setting is described.
Rising Action:
The central part of the story during
which various problems arise after a conflict (knot) is introduced.
The high point in the action of a story.
Falling Action:
The action and dialogue following
the climax that lead the reader into the story’s end.
The part of the story in which the
problems are solved and the action comes to a satisfying end.
A problem or struggle between two
opposing forces in a story. There are four basic conflicts:
Person Against Person: A problem between characters.
Person Against Self: A problem within a character’s own mind.
Person Against Society: A problem
betweena character and society, school, the law, or some tradition.
Person Against Nature: A problem between a character and some element of nature a blizzard, a hurricane, a mountain climb, etc.
Jimmy Buffet